07976 290377

An inventory is a detailed list of fixtures and fittings, appliances, furniture, linens, curtains and carpets in a property.

It will include details of the decor (colours of paintwork, woodwork, flooring, type and condition of windows), appliances (including brand, model and serial numbers), furniture and kitchen items.

Together with the Schedule of Condition, our comprehensive report describes in detail everything that is included in the property, for which the tenant is responsible.

Yes you do!

An inventory at the start of a tenancy includes a Schedule of Condition, detailing all of the material information about the property and the condition it’s in.

It’s not just about counting the knives and forks – although we do that as well!

By compiling this document at the beginning of a tenancy, the chances of a dispute over the condition of the property at a later date are substantially reduced.

The Schedule of Condition is a normally at the back of the Inventory and gives an overview of the general condition and cleanliness of the property as well as recording meter readings and which keys have been given to the tenants.

Tenants are required to sign the Schedule to acknowledge the contents, so they can leave the property in the same state they found it in.

Yes, our clerk can arrange to meet with a tenant at the property for what is called a ‘check-in’, either with a completed inventory report, time permitting, or with the completed Schedule of Condition.

The clerk will walk the tenant around the property, going through the report and highlighting areas that have been noted as significant. At the end of the process the clerk will ask the tenant to sign the document and will sign it on behalf of the landlord, so each party has a signed, agreed copy.

They will also give the tenant the keys. Please note, the check-in can only be done by prior arrangement.

Each room should have an overview picture and additional pictures will be included to evidence particular observations made by the clerk.

Photographs will also be included of meter readings and the keys handed over to tenants.

We urge landlords and tenants to place the highest value on fire safety, and advise that working smoke alarms are fitted and maintained and not disabled (yes, it does happen) throughout the tenancy period.

We do check accessible smoke alarms by observing if the green indicator light is on and by pressing the test button, and will report any faults to the landlord, but we cannot warrant their effectiveness in the case of a fire.

Meter readings are, where practicable, recorded. It is recommended that landlords inform agents of any difficult to locate meters.

The ultimate responsibility for reading of the meters rests with the tenant/landlord.

In the event the meters cannot be found on the day of the inspection, this will be recorded in the report and the tenant and/or landlord should contact the relevant utility company to arrange for readings to be taken.

Wear and tear is damage that naturally and inevitably occurs as a result of normal use or ageing. A degree of wear and tear is therefore normal and to be expected, but when it goes beyond that, the tenant may be liable.

An inventory report is therefore an essential tool in determining whether wear and tear is fair and reasonable, based on the length of a tenancy and the condition and quality of the property and its contents, or whether excessive damage has been caused.

We follow strict industry guidelines in assessing wear and tear, so that landlords’ and tenants’ rights are protected.

At the end of a tenancy (on the final day or as close as possible to it), a Check-Out inspection should take place. This will assess the condition of the property and its contents as against their status at the start of the tenancy.

  1. The tenant is expected to have removed all personal items and have arranged for the property to be professionally cleaned before the inspection.
  2. During the inspection the original Inventory and Schedule of Condition will be checked in full. Any material differences and missing items will be recorded and notified to the tenant. Photographs of any damage and general photographs are also taken at this time.
  3. It is not necessary for the landlord or the tenant to attend the Check-Out Inspection, although if a tenant is in attendance it does allow them to provide answers to any queries e.g. if items cannot be found or damage is noted.
  4. At the conclusion of the inspection the tenant should return all keys for the property and vacate it for the last time. Our clerk will return the keys to the relevant agent or any other third party as instructed. The meters are read and the tenant’s forwarding address recorded. A handwritten schedule is also completed highlighting the main points.
  5. The Check-Out Report is then typed up and produced for the parties, usually within 24/48 hours. At this point the parties can discuss the Report with a view to reaching agreement on the return of the tenant’s deposit, with any possible deductions highlighted.

If agreement cannot be reached between the parties, Sears Property Services can provide mediation to resolve any outstanding matters – a better and less expensive option than pursuing more formal remedies!

We do check mattresses, on both sides wherever possible, and note down and photograph marks or patches seen and whether we can locate a fire safety label.

The best way to protect a mattress is to purchase a mattress protective cover – whether you are a tenant using a mattress that comes with the property, or a landlord supplying a new bed.

If you are thinking about it, don’t!

If the property was handed over to you as having been professionally cleaned then it is advisable to hand the property back having been professionally cleaned.  An inventory clerk can tell the difference between a good domestic clean and a professional clean.

Ultimately if the cleanliness is marked down it will be the tenant’s responsibility to pay for a professional clean anyway.

Always try to use the same company that did the initial clean, and get a receipt.

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Inventories, why have one?

A professional, unbiased and independent report is vital for tenancy deposit dispute resolution under the Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme.

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